The sun was up and we decided to hit the zoo! Sure, it was about 43 degrees outside but who was worried about that?? Not us! We have discovered that if you can take the cold the zoo is where to go in the winter. No lines, no people. . .literally NO ONE! We were up close and personal with the animals and they only had eyes for us! Obviously! The kids ran around like they owned the place and we didn't have to worry about where they were amongst the people because there weren't any. It really was a sweet family afternoon learning about animals and spending time with our own.
Happy New Year, 2018!
6 years ago
What a great idea...zoo in the winter months! And the twins are too cute for words! I get so many good ideas from you, I need to start writing them down so I can remember when my itty bittys get bigger!
How did you do your blog? I love it!
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